Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg

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Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg

just drew up a vero for this one and built it. it sounds great, but I found it to have a bit to much HISS due to it having two opamp stages after the volume control so I modded mine for lower noise. it also was a bit low on output at the lowest drive settings so I gave it more level too.
it's a pretty large circuit/vero due to it having three J113 Jfets and three TL072 opamps so the vero measures 36 x 17 but it fits easily in a 1590BB and that's a lot smaller than the original's enclosure (which is HUGE!).
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Re: Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg

here' s a pic of the tested vero:

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Re: Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg

Good stuff John,

I have a person that wants a Devi US fuzz with less treble/more bass. I've directed him to your site and said I'd ask you too, he seems pretty desperate for one.
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Re: Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg

In reply to this post by johnk
Very nice John, I really never get bored of staring at your gut shots!
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Re: Gallien Krueger Diesel Dawg

thanks Mark!
i finally got this one boxed up and it sounds great.

soundclip with a p bass: