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Garage Band and Pedals

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Garage Band and Pedals

3 posts
A friend of mine wants to get a pedal kit to build with his dad for Christmas. His dad uses an audio interface into Garage Band mostly and does not have a tube amp are there any pedals that will sound good straight into a DAW ? Thanks in advance any help appreciated.
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Re: Garage Band and Pedals

Addy Bart
148 posts
This post was updated on Dec 18, 2017; 4:09am.
I like the sound of Mid Fi Electronic's Demo Tape Fuzz whenever I need to DI. There's probably something else out there that sounds more like a tube amp though... A Sansamp maybe?

Alternatively, you could look for an old Tandberg reel to reel. They make lovely preamps for guitar or re-amping anything, due to the tubes.