Gaspedals Dumbbell

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Gaspedals Dumbbell

Lee Oswald
So, I want to omit the LED for the boost function.
Is it as simple as merely not hooking any of those
connections up?

Pardon the dumb(bell) question.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbbell

Yes just omit LED 2, and use a DPDT stomp or toggle switch.  You can also get rid of the LED 2 2k2 resistor and shave a column off the layout.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbbell

Lee Oswald
Thanks |V|ark.

You've touched on another question. I figured a DPDT would
do the job, but I wasn't sure where ground from lug 8 would then go.
Would I connect ground to either lug 3 or 6?
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbbell

No, you'd lose all 3 lugs on the right if you weren't using an LED, so the ground connection to lug 8 isn't required any more.  Think of the switch lug numbering like this


Lugs 1 to 3 are the first pole, 4 to 6 the second and 7 to 9 the third.  The third pole was there solely to switch the LED on and off, so if you don't need that any more, the entire pole can be omitted.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbbell

Lee Oswald
Glad you explained that. Thank you. My understanding
of switches, and basic electronics is sorely lacking.

Unrelated: You've written elsewhere that you get paid when we
click on the ads. That was buried in the comments, and won't be readily found.
Why not put something where everyone can see it?

Normally I am opposed to ads on pages, but in your case, you
are doing *actual* work, and really ought to be compensated for
your time. I click on these buggers every time I visit.

Anyway, I hope it helps.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Gaspedals Dumbbell

Thanks Lee, it's appreciated