Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

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Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

Can you sometimes replace silicon transistors with germanium?  What has to be in place for that to happen?  When I first started doing this, I got the impression that never the twain shall meet when it comes to transistors, but then I just read a forum post about using germs in the DAM Meathead.  What's the good word on this?

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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

Just do it.  You may find that one or more of the surrounding passives need tweaking, but it should certainly work even if it's not fine tuned.  They're all just transistors at the end of the day.
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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

Excellent.  Thanks
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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

That would have been me probably :p.

In that instance Mark recommended that I either completely remove a couple of caps or change them to a lower value because a lot of pedals designed for silicon have filtering caps to take off some of the harshness in the high end and with germanium that isn't necessary, so they could end up sounding dull and dark if you leave as-is.
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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

Do you usually jumper them or can you simply omit them?  I suppose it depends on how it's laid out

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 1:58 PM, inefficiency [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:
That would have been me probably :p.

In that instance Mark recommended that I either completely remove a couple of caps or change them to a lower value because a lot of pedals designed for silicon have filtering caps to take off some of the harshness in the high end and with germanium that isn't necessary, so they could end up sounding dull and dark if you leave as-is.

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Keith M. Parks

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.~H. L. Mencken

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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Yes that's low value caps between base and collector which the Meathead has, but most of the silicon transistors circuits don't.  Like I said, a few things may need tweaking to optimise and you will learn a lot about how changing various values will affect the final sound by using a breadboard to experiment, or sockets on the vero.
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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

In reply to this post by piltdownman
piltdownman wrote
Do you usually jumper them or can you simply omit them?  I suppose it
depends on how it's laid out
You're right, it depends on the circuit. But in this example you would just leave them out. No jumper.
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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

In reply to this post by IvIark
IvIark wrote
Like I said, a few things may need tweaking to optimise and you will learn a lot about how changing various values will affect the final sound by using a breadboard to experiment, or sockets on the vero.
Which I plan to do now that I have 50 of them!
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Re: Germanium transistors in silicon circuits

BTW the Russian Germanium tran from our new favorite Bulgarian ebayer is sterling in the Meathead.  (just in place of the BC182 - in both positions, it was farty)I just tried it last night at a local jam and it was smooth and had full grown cojones.  Very pleased with it.