Glitching a PT2399

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Glitching a PT2399

I've been a fan of glitchy sounds for a long time (see: oval, autechre, azeda booth for a more rock oriented use), and keep returning to Seppuku's Memory Loss, and its ability to get similar glitchiness from a PT2399. There might be other pedals that do this, but i haven't come across them yet. On his site, he mentions 'strange grounding techniques'. Could this be the key to getting this sound, or a red herring? I know there was a thread on FSB a while ago regarding this pedal specifically, but it fizzled out after possible gut shots.

See this video for an example of the stuttering, stop/start delay I'm taking about:

(I can never for the life of me get a video to embed correctly, so I apologize for that)
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Re: Glitching a PT2399

I want to learn from this schematic:

Befaco Crush Delay v2

Specifically what they mean by "a couple of bends to the chip to be able to expand digital garbage range" . . .
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Re: Glitching a PT2399

I made a layout for a glitchy delay. It's not verified, but most likely good.
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Re: Glitching a PT2399

Hmm, don't know how to link to the direct thread. Look in "unverified layouts" for "experimental delay"
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Re: Glitching a PT2399

In reply to this post by SonusFluxa
SonusFluxa wrote
I know there was a thread on FSB a while ago regarding this pedal specifically, but it fizzled out after possible gut shots.
hey sonus,

i was curious about the seppuku stuff a while back and tried to elicit useful gut shots from the noble burghers of the ilf seppuku thread in order to understand a bit more about how these things tick. a few pics turned up, some later disappeared, but everything that went up (there and elsewhere on the net at that time) i have in a folder somewhere.
can dig out the memory loss shots for you if you think they will help. they weren't detailed enough to make a trace of any kind but you can get a general idea of what is going on, deep among the solder blobs, bits of masking tape and dangling components.

not a complicated circuit. couple of ics (pt2399 and tl072 or similar) and supporting bits, and i think an led and ldr is behind the pulsing glitching effect, though i may be thinking of the kompact kassette. at a certain level they kind of all merge into variations of the same thing. glitch is glitch.
my interest in that stuff has waned since learning more about diy, can now appreciate they are not as interesting or original as i once thought they might be. very slight twist on escobedos etc.

if you want me to dig the shots up this weekend let me know. maybe i should post them at fsb as a sort of open-ended thing so they don't disappear again. that's the joy of fsb. a good back up system for the diy community.
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Re: Glitching a PT2399

Tabby - I'm all for your posting guts here, as well as FSB! The more knowledgeable eyes that see them, the better chance we have at fully understanding them. I've been watching your mind warp thread there and could feel your annoyance with the kvlt of sepvkkv. I'm not a fanboy, I just think this is the closest circuit to what I'm seeking to build...aside from the csidman from catalinbread, which a) hasn't even been released yet and b) is probably DSP-based.

Kinski - In the mean time, I'll be building the delay that you referred to, and see where that gets me.

The main feature I guess I'm interested in is the sort of gated way that the delays come in in relation to the player's attack, and then quickly dissipate. Although I enjoy the decimated sound of extremely long repeats on a 2399, I'm looking to see if anyone else has found any other interesting tricks we can coax out of the chip.
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Re: Glitching a PT2399

SonusFluxa wrote
Tabby - I'm all for your posting guts here, as well as FSB! The more knowledgeable eyes that see them, the better chance we have at fully understanding them. I've been watching your mind warp thread there and could feel your annoyance with the kvlt of sepvkkv. I'm not a fanboy, I just think this is the closest circuit to what I'm seeking to build...aside from the csidman from catalinbread, which a) hasn't even been released yet and b) is probably DSP-based.

Kinski - In the mean time, I'll be building the delay that you referred to, and see where that gets me.

The main feature I guess I'm interested in is the sort of gated way that the delays come in in relation to the player's attack, and then quickly dissipate. Although I enjoy the decimated sound of extremely long repeats on a 2399, I'm looking to see if anyone else has found any other interesting tricks we can coax out of the chip.
hey sonus, there are quite a few pics and it might take me a while to put them all up at fsb one by one. if i can work out how the system works i might do a dropbox or something. throw all the seppuku gut shots i have into a big folder then post the link 'fill your boots' kind of thing. then anyone who is interested can have everything. if you know of an easy system to do that let me know. or if you pm me with an email address i can send via email.

re the seppuku scene, more a feeling that a learning opportunity is being missed than annoyance. it's not for me wag my finger sternly and say to people having a good time 'no you must enjoy yourself like this'. there's a joy in consuming and a joy in part of being part of a scene. all power to that scene. but like you, from a pedal tech perspective, wanting to understand what makes x bits produce y sound, it's like not being able to get a library book you think might help you with a project. ultimately it may even be a rubbish book, but the fact that it is an unknown leaves a blank in the information map.
i'm being obtuse but the point is in there somewhere.

have had a quick desktop search re what is easy to find on my pc and came up with two versions of the mm. an outside and an inside that seems to be the same set up but laid out differently. maybe useful to you are the instructions for the mm which describes the function of the glitch control.

anyway, try these two for now and i'll start shovelling shhh..jpegs into a folder to post/send.

can't get these photos to insert, nabble trouble.

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Re: Glitching a PT2399

I think Dropbox is probably the way to go, unless someone with more computer savvy then me (ie. anyone) knows a better way.

I really enjoy the library metaphor, makes total sense.