Gooseoniqueworx 7th heaven

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Gooseoniqueworx 7th heaven

A bit of a noob question.  Just curious how you would hook up the boost switch if you chose the option of DPDT for LED indication that is offered in the side notes.  Where would boost 1 and boost 2 go on the DPDT switch and the LED etc?
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Re: Gooseoniqueworx 7th heaven

Boost 1 and 2 will go to lugs 1 and 2 respectively

LED cathode (short leg) goes to lug 4

Ground to lug 5

LED anode (long leg) goes to a current limiting resistor (usually ~4.7K), then the resistor ties to your +9V
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Re: Gooseoniqueworx 7th heaven

Thank you for your help and speedy response