Got a request to get Doyle's from the Misfits sound

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Got a request to get Doyle's from the Misfits sound

Makes his own guitars.
Through 2 SVT classics
Demeter preamp
Digitech Hardwire distortion..
An older photo has a TC electronics BB distortion with some boss reverbs and people talk about early stuff having a distortion+ sound..

Could put in a boost in there like the demeter Fat that |v|ark has up.. then what?

Gotta research this more...

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Re: Got a request to get Doyle's from the Misfits sound

Oddly enough I actually know Doyle, as well as a few other misfits present and not part of the band currently. Long story. Anyways, he gets his sound from trying to get a distortion at as load of a volume as he can. He uses the ampegs now because he likes a lot of lowend in his tone. I'm not sure what info he would want people to know the the hasn't told people, so I don't want to give too much away that I shouldn't.

In any event, you might be able to do like a distortion+ into an SFT and get close.
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Re: Got a request to get Doyle's from the Misfits sound

Cool, you can tell he works at distinguishing himself.
I think I'm gonna have to play around with a couple things.  The guy has some sort of Marshall and I'm doubtful he uses the clean channel much.  He's  throwing me a few ideas.  Maybe the bassy wampler mod might do the trick.  Might put a bass boost in front too.

Thanks, I wish you ny/new england types would come up here more often..
New Brunswick... Canada that is..
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Re: Got a request to get Doyle's from the Misfits sound

doyle hates marshalls, and has never been quiet about it. lol. for him they're too midrangey, not enough bottom and treble. another reason for using a bass amp is that they have massive clean headroom. so think about it this way, the amp provides high clean volume with a lot of low end, the pedal does all the dirt. so i don't think putting a bass boost in front of a marshall is going to do it.

i haven't toured with him or the misfits, basically they're all from a town in new jersey near where i'm from. through friends of mine who know them, i've gone to hangout with them in my buddy's basement a bunch of times. from i think the last time i saw wolfgang was a year or two ago, and saw alex graves probably the same amount of time ago. jerry on the other hand doesn't come around that often. i think the last time i saw him was 2 or 3 years ago when the misfits played their annual halloween show, and after the show another friend of mine, who didn't believe me that i knew him, ended up going backstage and hanging out when jerry saw me up front at the end of the show.

i actually want to come up your way to vist, i hear it's beautiful. unfortunately, i'm currently bandless, my last one was a dub band that kind went on hiatus due to other projects, our trombone player joined hub city stompers, our guitarist started an electronic project, and drummer is kind of a lush. i really want to get a neopsychodelic/doom/stoner metal band going, but no one around me seems that interested in it.
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Re: Got a request to get Doyle's from the Misfits sound

Thanks for all the info.  I figured that headroom was an issue, because of the bass amps.  I'll have to relay that back. He plays in a crust/hardcore band currently maybe I could get him to try playing through his bass player's rig.  Doyle is his idol, I guess. Not sure if he wants or can afford a whole new setup though..  I think I'll build him a Distortion + with a bass boost and send him with the info on the bass amps.  Then he can try playing through a bass rig sometime..

We've a got a Jersey guy in our scene here that moved up a few years ago.  He went to school @ Evergreen (i think it is, that cool school in Washington state) had a band called the Valentine Killers there.  I think he's on his 3rd band here.  Lots of that stoner stuff going on...Zaum are from here, doom stuff think Om..

later, thank you.