Graphic Citrus Mods Question

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Graphic Citrus Mods Question

So I've been banded from making pedals for a bit as the old lady tells me I have too many, even though she's got more then double the number of shoes that I have pedals, so I've been thinking about my next project, even though I have to finish one of my own design, which silver has been nice enough to help. What I was thinking was take the graphic citrus and moding it more for bass, which I would think would make the pedal more like an orange ad200b rather than the orange graphics at the time.

So with a ton of searching I found the preamp schematic for the preamp section of the ad200b mki, figuring it would be just a modified graphic amp. But, it seems completely different. There is a volume, bass, mid, treble, and master volume, rather than volume, boost, bass, treble, and master volume.

To make a long story short, besides changing the input and output caps, how can I make the citrus better for bass? I was thinking that using the tone stack from the ad200b would be wise and to bypass the FAC, but nor sure how to do that. Any suggestions? Btw, I've included the schematic for the ad200b mki preamp section, I know orange schematics are hard to find, so enjoy.