Graphics, but how does he do it?

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Graphics, but how does he do it?

I been a fan of this guy for some time now, hes work pretty much always looks stunning with clones.
But how have he done this one? White print on a clear water slide makes no sense to me as you dont have white ink on a regular printer.
Any ideas?
Ps. i have to be more active on this forum..... Just don't have time :(
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Re: Graphics, but how does he do it?

My guess is he screen prints it, not cheap to set up but the results are great.  I think most of the boutique companies use screen printing for their graphics as it gives very good results and it's very quick to print a bunch of pedals once you've got it set up for a particular design.
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Re: Graphics, but how does he do it?

Jon the Art Guy
In reply to this post by rudeez
Looks to me like a screening process too, though looking at some of the other designs he's got on his site, he's familiar with acid etching and print/clearcoat techniques too. It's possible he just printed the black negative space, printed on a plastic media and applied with spirits on a white hammerite enclosure, and clearcoated the sucka.

The patch bay thing he has on his background of the sunn0)))) pedal is real artwork. He's got a printmaker friend with an etching tank.

Man, I hate cleaning those tanks. It's like combining orange juice, rust, and eggy farts.
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Re: Graphics, but how does he do it?

I've not seen his acid etched boxes but from other ones I've seen it's something I definitely want to have a go with at some point.  I've seen a technique which is similar to the laser printer circuitboard etching technique which looks like I probably couldn't mess up too badly,  I think it'll be one for the future though, I'm still crap at just using plain old spray paints and waterslides.