Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

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Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Would it be easy to add a mids pot to the existing Green Russian vero?

Here is the layout:

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Ciaran Haslett
Have you a link to the mids pot schematic?  
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Silver Blues
Not quite a "mids pot" in the traditional sense but you could try this for the cost of one pot and some value changes?
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Ciaran,  I don't have a schematic. I was just wondering if anyone may have added one. Honestly, I wanted to add one just to use an old enclosure that was drilled for four pot holes.

Silver Blues, that is similar to what the Black Arts Pharaoh uses, no?
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
I just finished a Earthbound Supercollider, which is basically a muff with some mods and a mids control. Would this work?
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Ciaran Haslett
Cheers Marbles.

Comparing the 2 it doesn't look so easy to modify the Green Russian layout squirrels posted.  Probably simpler to start a new one I reckon.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

It's really not too big a deal. I thought it may just be a matter of swapping a cap and changing a resistor to a pot.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

personally i don't like any of the mids pots i've used on a lot of the modded muffs, but the mids switch i fee does wonders. i was thinking, why not do a cap blend in place of the venerable mids switch.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Here are two perf/pcb layouts for russian green, the second one has the mid pot mod.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Silver Blues
@Squirrels I think so. But Rocket has a good idea with the cap blend, the mid switch that we put in all our Muffs is a really great addition.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

I'm using a switch now and it does work very well but I thought I'd like to have a little more control over it, like in the LSTR. I haven't been building too much lately so I was looking for something little to do and get back into it. I tried adding a cap blend to a Fuzz Face and it didn't work out to well but I thought it worked great in the Doomidrive.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

if you're happy with the mid pot of the LSTR, which is a muff variant like the pharaoh, why not look at the schematic and make the changes to the russian green muff? i've got a real pharaoh, and while it's nice, i find the mids pot to be less useful/impactful as the mids switch. which is why i prefer the mids switch.

silver - i'm sure it's not a new idea, but i tend to have some good ones every now and again. travis has heard so many that usually start off with "i have a stupid idea, what do you think about....." usually he tells me they're great, but i never do anything about them. so many circuit ideas i should actually work on that never do. one day.... lol
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Makes sense. Definitely a good idea. Thanks Zach.
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

pasted some tone stacks from KitRae's site.  I was going to also recommend the Supercollider if you like the Green Russian with more control. If you want to mod an existing pedal, then a mid switch that makes the scoop a little less drastic,  yet not fully flat is a good way to go.

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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot

Silver Blues
Ah yes, Kit Rae's site is definitely a great resource for everything Muff-related.

@rocket yeah definitely haha, one day you're just gonna toss together a bunch of things and make the next big famous circuit
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Re: Green Russian w/ Mids Pot
