Grindcustoms Deprofundis Delay problem

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Grindcustoms Deprofundis Delay problem

Hi guys,
I'm daino1080 and i have a problem with grindcustom deprofundis delay. I built the trimpot time version and the modulation board. When i run the effect without IC1 the effect and modulation work at a low volume, but when i plug IC1 there's no more signal. What could it be? The layout has been triple checked and seems to be right.
These are the voltages
IC1: 1)4.45 2)4.45 3)4.45 4)0.00 5)4.45 6)4.45 7)4.45 8)8.89
IC2: 1)4.95 2)2.47 3)0.00 4)0.00 5)3.54 6)2.47 7)0.58 8)0.62 9)2.47 10)2.47 11)2.47 12)2.47 13)2.47 14)2.47 15)2.47 16)2.47
IC3: 1)4.57 2)4.57 3)4.57 4)0.00 5)4.55 6)4.55 7)4.55 8)8.89
78L05: I)8.89 G)0.00 O)4.95
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Re: Grindcustoms Deprofundis Delay problem

Double check all of your cuts to make sure they are clean through, sometimes there is a remnant left intact or a sliver touching another track. Also, check for any solder bridges. Use your meter to check for continuity where there shouldn't be any such as between tracks or across cuts. Check your links to make sure they are in the correct places, I've done it before where it looks like they are correct but they are actually one row off. Check your offboard wiring.
What IC did you use for IC1?
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Re: Grindcustoms Deprofundis Delay problem

IC1 is a tl072 as the layout design. I'll check again later. Thank you for your suggestions