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Gristleizer vero layout?

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Gristleizer vero layout?

269 posts
Hey yall, I always love listening to Rectal Hygienist's YouTube videos and lusting after his pedal collection.. but I stumbled upon a video for the Gristleizer and was curious if anyone had seen a Vero layout for this guy?  The pcb is only 15$, it seems like a good deal.  I love the sound of this pedal.  Anyway. Love to hear from someone about it.
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

610 posts
I would suggest using the search function in the forum. A lot of layouts are not posted, but are in the forum.

Usually when someone wants one, it will be posted in the request section, or in the contribution section. Don't have time to go through the whole post unfortunately, but this seems to be the latest:


But there are more search results!
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

269 posts
Hey good looking out Marbles. The pcb doesn't look so bad for 15$ either. It has strobe functionality for a led too.  Thanks again. This build looks fun
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
Just a little heads up up regarding this circuit...
This is for experienced builders who enjoy a challenge!

I know 3 different people (+ myself) who has tried building this circuit and not being able to get it to work properly.
I´ve tried both the PCB and a vero layout with the same result: throwing it in the bin, swearing never to try it again, after wasting countless hours on it.
It is known to be one of the most unstable circuits out there, and very difficult to get working.
If you build it: aim for John K´s Layout since that one has been verified!

It would be great if you give us some feedback on how it goes.
Specially if you learn something about the secrets to getting it working properly...
Good Luck!
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

269 posts
I read all 16 pages of Taylor's build blog on Diystompboxes (the fella selling the pcbs) and I'm certainly going to give it a go.  I have built some gnarly vero stuff recently and I feel like I might just buy the pcb and then worry about dialing it in. Everyone seems unanimous to leave the bias trimmer as an offload pot for tweaking depending on wave shape. I'm really attracted to the gain this thing makes too, awesome for blasting a tube amp and getting soupy swamp shit.  There are a few suggested tweaks to minimize LFO tick, and dialing in the wave trimmers. I don't have a scope but I may have access to one, if not I've been dying for an excuse to snag one of those little $25 jobs with mixed reviews off ebay.

Another problem is the voltage inverter.. all I have is 7660's and they all squeal pretty annoyingly.   I read that people were using MAX1044.. but fried them with 12 volts on accident etc.. maybe a 9v regulator daughter board would be in order.  I really wish there were some good 7660s around.. I need one for my Echo Dream 2 ..

Anyway thanks for the dialogue fellas, I'm looking forward to the build. The trem settings sound pretty familiar to my Tremulous Bear from Steve at smallbear.  That pedal has some good gain and you can really tweak the waves and get gnarly chop. MAO just did a vero layout for it, so I'm going to build that as soon as I make a parts order.
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

1993 posts
Taylors (musicPCB) boards are great, I highly recommend them. If you order from him, and haven't tried the Meatball yet, I reeeeeeeeally recommend his "Meatsphere" board. I know you like some of the weirder stuff like the Great Destroyer and of course the Gristleizer. Either of those in the effects loop of the Meatsphere will do ridicuous things for sure. I look at it sort of like part of a modular synth that I control with my guitar, it is crazy what you can do with it

Oh also don't use a 9V regulator unless you use like a 12V or higher power supply. Also the MAX1044 is pretty outdated, the LT1054 is better, but there's nothing wrong with the 7660S if you buy a real one. I have had good results with the 7660S from MKLEC. The charge pumps I have gotten from Tayda all squeal
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

269 posts
Yeah same dawg. All my 7660's squeal real bad.  I appreciate your council on the meatsphere,  I certainly do like the weird shit.  I'll probably order both boards and give them a good solid go! I'm pretty resilient with the tough builds so I know what I'm getting into.  Thanks again
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Re: Gristleizer vero layout?

269 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Also, good looking out on MKlec.. I had never visited their site, looks good.  I don't like paying a premium for most stuff, but I've learned my lesson with these charge pumps. I'd have no problem paying 2 bucks for one that doesn't squeal!  Thanks