81 posts
The Gain knob set to Minimum still yields a fair amount of Distortion by Design of the Pedal.
I read that by reducing the 47uf Electrolytic Cap between the 100ohm Resistor and Ground will yield less Gain at Minimum but will also effect the Gain at Maximum. I settled on 10uf.
The other alternative to reducing the amount of Distortion is by rolling back the Volume on your Guitar will yield less without too much loss of overall Level.
I also used the LM386N-3, I always find and don't use the stock LM386N-1 as it leaves a nasty Fizzy decay as it fades out which leaves a lot of Builders avoiding this type of circuit like the Plague so if you have built a pedal or this with the stock LM386N-1 and don't like the Fizz, just try the LM386N-3, You might like it alot more!, YMMV.
Cheers music6000