Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

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Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Hello there fellow DIY-ers!
I'm working on setting up my online shop, selling components like germanium transistors and belton bricks at affordable prices so you don't get ripped off that much ;) (£3.50 for tested AC128? gimme a break)
I've been chatting with Mark about offering some kits for the layouts on the blog. We've got Bob at Bitsbox here in the UK and MKLEC in the US doing a great job with the kits, but the problem is, you don't get things like germanium transistors, CA3080 chips, Rat's LM308 opamps or Belton bricks, all used to make fantastic stomps.
Before we'll go with everything in full swing, I would like to ask you, what kits would you like to see offered? I won't clash with any of Bob's kits and I want to concentrate on the less readily available parts, but I'm open to suggestions.
At first, I'm planning to offer everyone's favourites, Fuzz Face, Rangemaster etc. What else would you fancy? Rat? Superfuzz? Fuzz Factory? Anything else? I'd be glad if you've offered some feedback and suggestions, after all it's aimed at and ran for you guys and I'd be more than happy to offer whatever people want :)
Also, any particular parts you would like to see? There will be bunch of Germanium types, Neutrik jacks, Alpha Pots, PTFE wire and so on but am I missing something that people are always looking ot get without waiting weeks for that package from Thailand or China?
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Well I'm in the UK and would much prefer to buy my parts from a reliable UK source, so I wish you the best of luck.

Currently, I buy a lot of my "hardware" related parts (jacks, switches etc) from Dr Tweek, and if I need a PCB kit, from, who have a great selection.

However, there are gaps in the market, that you you could do really well by filling.

As you say Germanium transistors, Jfets etc are getting harder to find, so would be VERY welcome. Neutrik jacks and PTFE coated wire are a great idea, as would be pre-soldered LEDs (with the resistors fitted), and 3PDT PCBs. Mini electrolytics and mica and tantalum caps would be good too.

What format are you offering for your kits - vero or PCB?

As to actual kits, I think wah retrofit kits are sorely missing at the moment at a decent price. Auto-wahs, Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird, Harmonic Percolator would be good places to start - those pedals that have rare parts to start with. That way the cost of the kit is not much more than the individual cost of the one or two rare components they contain.

Oh, and some of JohnK's green veroboard would be awesome!
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Hi Beaker, thanks for the input.
Neutrik skeleton jacks will definitely be offered, I've got a stock of them now and look at offering them at a £1 each, or stereo+mono pair at a discount.
Actually, how many of you guys are using enclosed jacks? And if yes, which style? I wanted to get them too too give people some options.
Switches will be same as Dr Tweek but probably slightly cheaper. Got reliable DPDT but looking at a good source of 3PDT as they might be all blue Taiwan knockoffs, but some are more reliable than the others.
JFETS are great idea too, can get that sorted easily. PTFE wires are my favourite, started using them recently and haven't looked back since! No melting plastic bs anymore!
Will have a look at the tsntalums and silver micas to see what I can do, currently just got a stash of greenies, panasonics and multilayers. Also got hundreds of normal ceramics but I won't give that to anyone!
Presoldered LEDs can be done, I never use them myself and keep to DPDT's but if people want them, their wish is my command.
Hummingbird is just modified Vox, right? Got some 2N2646 so that would be ideal. Same with percolator.
Kits will be offeredq for vero layouts on this site, in time i might look into pcbs, both for effects and switches, but it's still a long way.
The idea really started off as a way to sell my excess transistors but I've realized it could be much more than that. It's little something on the side so protits are not the most important for me. I can assure you, I won't be making £2 per transistor, just because I took 30 seconds to hook it to Atlas Peak and verify that it's not a dud. Also, got some super secret sources that will allow me to offer for example tested Philips AC188'S at around £1.25-1.50. Not too bad, I think ;)
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Well you've got my attention, that's for sure.

I use enclosed jacks (Dr. Tweek), for most of my builds. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I like the fact that you only need one sort. I snip of the excess contact terminals for input and output.

Yes the Hummingbird is a modified Vox.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Just want to make sure, which type of enclosed jack socket people normally use in stomps? The Switchcraft style ones, right? With the tabs on the back? Not the other style with pins at the bottom like Neutrik are selling?
Also, for silver mica, any particular values people are using them for? They are not the cheapest and stocking on a whole range is just unfeasible
Plus JFETs, I'm waiting for supply of J201 and BF245A. Any other types often used?
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

I'm based in the UK and get my parts from a combination of Bitsbox, eBay and RS components.

The main thing that would make me happy would just be to find some cheaper prices for certain items.

I've had a hard time sourcing a few transistors and things too. I'm quite new to this, so I'm not sure if there are alternatives that will give the same effect. I found out the other day I could use a 2N2222A in place of a TP2222A, so there's a chance the ones I'm looking for may have a counterpart that will work instead.

I could make a list of the parts I'm having trouble finding if you'd like? It may help if you're trying to find gaps in the market.

The J201 you mentioned is actually one of them.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

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In reply to this post by tjdracz
I prefer Switchcraft enclosed jacks.

BF244A Jfets and CA3130 ICs for Bjorn Juhl / Mad Professor builds would be good.

For me at least, I'm less concerned about the specific part numbers, than I am about the quality and reliability of those parts.

Most oddball parts can be found from the Far East, but it seems that an increasing number are either sub-standard, re-labelled or faked.

I'd happily pay a premium for reliable parts.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

In reply to this post by tjdracz
It'd be nice to see a reliable source of germanium diodes as well, Ebay can be very dodgy in terms of quality, other sources can be very expensive. A nice selection of things like knobs, led bezels, dc jacks would all be good to.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Thanks for all the feedback guys! Great suggestions, I'll do what I can to deliver, although at first it might be quiet before I procure the necessary stock but should expand fairly fast.
Also, would you be happy with alpha pots with these "pot condoms" like Tayda are selling? ;)
Anyway, we kind of drifted slightly from the most important bit - kits. Any more suggestions about these?
At the moment I'm looking at Fuzz Face, Tonebender, Buzzaround, Rangemater, Rat, Superfuzz, Dynacomp, Box of Hall, Box Repeater, Foxrox Wah retrofit, maybe Civil War muff with proper Russian transistors and diodes.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Well I need to build a Box of Hall for a friend in Iceland, so put me down for one of those.

Alpha pots - yes.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

In reply to this post by tjdracz
Those pot condoms are fine as they're very easily popped off if you don't like them
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

In reply to this post by tjdracz
for me long lead polyester box capacitors - ive started buying these from tayda and have improved my builds as i used mylar before

good luck
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

In reply to this post by Beaker
Someone in Iceland is asking you to make a reverb? Funny he didn't go more local
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

I know Geiri, but Jon from The Dead Skeletons is a friend of mine as are two of his bandmates, Will and Ryan.

On the brightside, I was talking to his drummer, and I asked if he knew of you and he said he did, and that you made great pedals.

My wife and I were in Iceland just before Easter. I was going to come up to the Western Fjords, with the intention of calling in to meet you, but with all the snow then the roads were closed, so we had to change our plans.
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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

In reply to this post by tjdracz
Hi tjdracz,

One kit I've always wanted but have never seen is a real spring reverb pedal. Something in the style of the Demeter RVB-1 Reverbulator or VanAmps Reverbamate.
Just an idea :)

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Re: Guitar FX kits - suggestions?

Nice idea, but unfortunately anything but easy to do. If you want a good spring reverb, best bet is to go with something like Craig Anderton's Stage Center driving Accutronics tank which itself is only like £24. Then it's still matter of housing it all. Not really something that's viable in a kit form.
Still, things like Wampler Faux Spring reverb can do quite a good job for the price.