HELP!!! Seamoon Funk Machine V2 w/ buffered blend doesnt work

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HELP!!! Seamoon Funk Machine V2 w/ buffered blend doesnt work

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I just finished up the Seamoon Funk Machine V2 with the buffered blend.

Well, how the header says, iit doesn´t work, there is no sound coming out, but a faint hiss if I rotate the Blend knob towards the wet side.
I trieds to probe it, but I don´t really know if I do it correctly, I get a sound at the Output B (pin 6) of the LM1458, thats it. The side A on wich the NPN is doesnt work. I measured every component prior of building it and everything was fine. I checked for little bridges and went over the traces with a knife.

I used LM1458N, 2N5457 for Q1 and Q2 and 2N5088 for Q3.

Here are my voltages:

IC:           Q1:          Q2:           Q3:

1: 4,1       D: 8,3      D: 8,3       E: 0
2: 4,2       S: 7,4      S: 7,4        B: 0,6
3: 4,1       G: 7,5      G: 7,5       C: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 6,2
7: 7,5
8: 8,3

The voltages of Q3 look weird, other than that I have no clues what is wrong

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: HELP!!! Seamoon Funk Machine V2 w/ buffered blend doesnt work

I probed it again, the weird thing is that there is a Signal at the Output, though its not audible unless I crank my Amp to 11 (:
I dont know what else I should try, I kind of think that the "Blend" part of the circuit is the problem, though I dont know how to check it.

So if anybody could help me I would be very thankfull.

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Re: HELP!!! Seamoon Funk Machine V2 w/ buffered blend doesnt work

Did you use the Funk Machine + Blend vero here or use a different blend circuit?
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Re: HELP!!! Seamoon Funk Machine V2 w/ buffered blend doesnt work

In reply to this post by Muffit
I used the Funk Machine + Blend Vero, yes