HI and Thanks

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HI and Thanks

Just signed up on here to basically say a big thank you for your efforts in putting together and maintaining this site. I have had an interest in building effects since the early 80s but never originally had a lot of success, mainly due to the lack of resources, I was at university at the time and the only time I ever went to the library was to look through back copies of electronics magazines to find any effects I could build, sadly there weren't many and they were all on pcbs that needed etching. Personally I think that Vero is far superior for one off builds and so this site is a gold mine for me. So far have three builds underway, ts808, Plexi drive and pinnacle the first 2 have been tested and worked first time, a credit to this site.

Thank you all for your generosity - only problem now is that I have a large list of pedals I want to build, how does a money saving hobby get so expensive - so far I decided to build a guitar and have built 2 with another on its way and also built a valve/tube amp