Had a whim....

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Had a whim....

..... and coulldn't resist to purchase this sweet :P

I've built many clones ot this pedal, many of them sound better than the real thing, but when I took a look to this new series of mini Fuzz Faces, had to purchase one, they're a real beauty.

This unit sounds really great.  I've always been in love with this enclosure, so finally, after many years... I have a real fuzz face!

74 euros, shipping included on Prymaxe if anyone's interested.

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Re: Had a whim....

F**king sweet!... I saw those a while ago and nearly bought one but then forgot about it... but now you've reminded me!.... I know making them is easy but owning the real thing is different... that's why I paid *cough £170 *cough for an original Meathead....

I want a mini fuzz face!!
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Re: Had a whim....

Sorry to remember you this temptation :).

Don't know about the MM1 and the MM3, but the MM2 (germanium) sounds really fine and the pedal itself is a beauty in red.

I love clones, for sure, but sometimes, owning the real thing, even more if we're talking about a legend, is a must :)

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Re: Had a whim....

I agree, it's a legendary fuzz....... germanium or silicon though?!... Ge is much warmer but si is higher gain... Didn't know about MM1,MM2 and MM3.. I'll have to read up about them..