Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

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Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Silver Blues
This is interesting. I'll do this one up.

But do you know what "IJR" is supposed to be?
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Haha. Did anyone else car by what the controls are? It's: Pinch......Dingle.....Berry. I almost fell on the flood laughing. I so want to build this now, it has to be good with controls like that.
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

LOL - that was the 1st thing I noticed. I don't know what that says about any of us really
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
Thanks Silver. Sorry but i dunno what IJR means.
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Chris60601 wrote
LOL - that was the 1st thing I noticed. I don't know what that says about any of us really
Umm that we as men, still laugh at the same things as we did when we were kids. I mean, do farts ever stop being funny?
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

EXACTLY!!! I mean, you just mention the word ... fart, in front of a guy, and there's at least smirk if not an outright chuckle. Now of course when I say that in front of the wife, I get... "That's so childish"  

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by boratto
I´m just guessing here, but could the top left section (the 2N3906 and what´s to the left of it) be some kind of Millennium Bypass?
If that is the case, i suspect that IJR is the connection to the switch...
From the looks of it, it seems like this section could be excluded, since the circuit itself has its own +9v feed. But I could be wrong...
I were you, I would try to build it without that section and see if it fires up and plays nice.
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Silver Blues
Ah I see. Okay I have the layout almost done and it should be up later today.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Silver Blues
Up. I might try this one myself
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

IJR = Input Jack Ring
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Neil mcNasty
Of course!
Now that you mention it, it is very obvious.

Then you will need to include everything on the schematic.
Sorry for leading you down the wrong path with my guessing.

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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Silver Blues
Ah. Okay I'll fix it.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

That's RG's alternative way of doing the input jack power switching. If you use an adapter, you don't need it. If you're happy with the usual way of wiring the input jack for power switching, you can leave it out (just lose R2, R3, and Q1).

That said, it might be cool to try. I've never used that type of power switching. It's supposed to reduce oscillations for power supply current and led switching in high-gain circuits. Read more here. Might be a good thing to keep in your back pocket for circuits that like to oscillate.

Notice, though, if you wire your power supply ground to the input jack, then it doesn't accomplish anything. If you bother to include it in the layout, you'll want to make sure that you maintain separate power ground and signal ground as much as possible. They should meet somewhere on the board, as far as possible from the input jack connection.
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Re: Hairy Bottom | Ge Bass Fuzz

Silver Blues
Oh THAT'S what this is! I have actually seen this article before but couldn't connect the dots. Thanks.

Through all the worry and pain we move on