Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

I have used Eddystones before - can't remember where I got them from though. They were fine by me.
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Bitsbox in the UK has got them and I think, but not 100% sure, Rapid. I think there might be a 1mm difference in the size though
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Silver Blues
So I guess the moral of this story is stick with the Hammonds  I mean, the one I just finished turned out quite good IMO, but it's just nice to have the known consistency. I can't stress enough though that it's really not bad for $5.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

In reply to this post by tjdracz
I've used loads of Eddystones. The quality is inconsistent. Sometimes they're perfect. Other times the base plate and bottom edge of the enclosure need filing as they're very rough. Also the tops sometimes have a dip in them at one end. It's got that bad that I stopped using them and moved onto Hammond. The eddystones are very cheap though so if you don't mind sanding them then they're good. The thickness has always been good etc, no dodgy screws either.

The guy that does the 'Fuzzdog' kits has also stopped using them for the same reasons.

Best price I found them for is here... £2.65 for over 25....

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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Hey what are friends for? I figure we are all brothers of the soldering iron, so we got to help each other out.
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

In reply to this post by Vince
Holy shit, Vince!

This is exactly what I was looking for. That's much more reasonable than the prices I was finding. I don't understand where some of you guys find these sites.

The guy who does the Fuzzdog kits is up my neck of the woods. I think he's started doing his own powdercoating now.
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Cool  I'd love to continue using them but ironing on the etch transfer was near impossible sometimes. Great for someone that has a belt sander etc to clean them up. But as I said, a lot of them were perfect. I may even email them and ask if they can sort out the quality control.

Yeah, I noticed he's doing powder coating as well. I was going to get one of his triple wreck kits but ended up building one on vero and buying an MXR fullbore metal instead!
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Yeah, to be honest they might be perfect for a couple of pedals I'm building right now. I've gone for the mega rough and industrial look. Lots of dents and scratches and the only writing on them is done with a set of punches and a hammer. I can imagine them being a nightmare for etching though.

Just a quick question; What made your want a Triple Wreck kit? I'm sure I've seen a Triple Wreck you built before on vero and I know that it is well within your ability to do it without using a kit. You getting Lazy?

Also, Fullbore Metal any good?
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Cool, they sound ideal for you then. I love all that distressed raw look.

I've made a couple of Triple Wrecks but sold them and yes, I got lazy
I haven't got the Fullbore yet, scored it for £45 on ebay so still waiting for it, the demos sound good, i just hope it's not really nasal sounding.
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Well, the Fullbore arrived...... It is THE most awful sounding pedal I have ever tried. I'm not exaggerating either. It sounds like you're being stabbed in the ear. I had the treble at zero and it was still bright and ice picky. There is nothing natural sounding about it. To anyone that thinks the Metal zone sounds harsh, you haven't heard anything until you try the Fullbore. Looks pretty though...

On another note, anyone wanna buy an MXR Fullbore metal for £45 shipped anywhere in the UK?
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Haha, oh well.... Back to the bay it goes?

I haven't bought a new one for a little while. The last pedal I bought was the EHX B9 and then a couple of months later they brought out the new one .

I've been spending a lot of time checking for gutshots and schematics of the Sabbra Caddabra, because I just have to build one....
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

I like the look/sound of the B9, I'll keep an eye out for a second hand one. I'm eyeing up an EHX pitch fork at the moment. I want a harmonizer pedal and was considering the BOSS harmonist until I noticed the EHX one. I'll stick to my metal muff I think, which I like (apart from the top-boost). I heard the sword use one and yes, to my surprise it sounds just like The Swords tone.

I'll definitely build the Sabbra....
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

I would check out the Behringer Harmoniser - yes they are plastic boxes, but the pedal is quite good.  I'm sure it is polyphonic and very flexible, and I've not had any problems with it tracking the notes.

Mmm yeah, I would love the B9 - that pedal sounds awsome (Jon Lord on a guitar )
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Cool, I'll check that out...
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

In reply to this post by Vince
Yeah, I love the B9 into a gain channel to get some Jon Lordisms going. And coincidentally enough, the pitch fork will probably be my next purchase!

Also, I dig The Sword, Vince. Have you seen the guy's amp that just has one knob?
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

I have and know something's about it,  cause I met them and asked. It's basically the same Marshall he used to use, but all the pots have been replaced with reistors for where he likes it, and it's just a big knob for volume. Basically he doesn't have to worry about the settings changing.

Btw, the sword is one of my favorite newer bands. Awesome guys with awesome songs.
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

Yeah, the guy who did it for him has done it to a few amps in the past, but they all had loads of holes in them where the pots were removed, so he got that one made with a proper faceplate. It's pretty awesome.
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

In reply to this post by rocket88
Yeah I heard about his amp, the interview was funny, it reminded me of a scene from Spinal Tap...I could just imagine him chewing gum and saying 'it's just got one knob'.. 'don't touch it though'...
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Re: Hammond boxes vs. Chinese lookalikes

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
Yup I've bought hundreds and hundreds of enclosures from Daier. They simply have the ultimate price. I always buy a minimum of 50 per type of enclosure and I usually buy for no less than $500 because DHL shipping isn't cheap but worth it and only takes about 4 days to get here from China.

The enclosures aren't always perfect. There are sometimes some imperfections but I get rid of most since I sandblast all enclosures. The screws are fine and I don't remember having any trouble with fitting the lids.