Harbinger 1

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Harbinger 1

First of all, I realize this is a pretty big circuit and might not be appropriate for Vero.  All the same, it might be fun to try if someone (not me, it's WAY beyond my layout skills) wants a challenge.  It's also a GREAT effect circuit, so the desirability should be pretty high.

Anyway, should some brave soul want to give it a try, I figure it can't be much more difficult than the Mutron II (but then, what do I know?).  Here's a link to the build document.

(Disclaimer:  I have purchased a Harbinger 1 PCB from Madbean (among about 25 other MadBean PCBs), so I do support the creator of this circuit.  He also provides the schematic and layouts to etch your own PCBs for it, so I do not feel like creating a Vero layout for this would be disrespectful to a great member of the DIY community)
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Re: Harbinger 1

I've made one some time ago but the board came out too big to fit in a 1590BB box.
You would need a 1590DD.
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Re: Harbinger 1

oh man i bought two of these and he is dold out right now. i have a friend that wants one. i would love to do this as well.it would be awesome. where do you find vero that large or do you splice?
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Re: Harbinger 1

I have an original madbean Harbinger one and its awesomely good univibe. It was a tricky build for me as it was my first madbean project but i was quite new to the pedal scene at the time. Love to see it on vero though as this should be in everyones collection.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Harbinger 1

I think it's the only "non vero" pedal i've built for myself in 2+ years... it's really great.
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Re: Harbinger 1

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
here you are mates
for the supply you can use Marks daughterboard from ehx clone theory layout. take a wire from in of the reg and that would be your 18v