Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell


Here you go Felix, first of your boards, in action.

It's a Timmy.
Truth be told, I'm so used to doing the offboard wiring that the pcb actually made it harder.  I'm sure I'll get the hang of it when I use a few more...

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Cool build!!!
It was hard for me too in the beginning, but now I can't build without it (got lazy).

Thanks for posting!!!
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell


Yeah... my main problem is that I do the little loops on the vero so I need to start my wires on the board and run them to the footswitch. It gets cramped trying to fit them all in.

If I could just wire the pcb and run wires back to the board would make it a whole lotta easier but then I wouldn't be able to do the loops. And I like my loops, ever since i sto*e...ummm...borrowed... errrr.. got inspired by someone's pictures here (I keep forgetting who it was).

Oh well, I got 29 left. I guess I'll get the hang of it.
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

In reply to this post by Stinger25
Do you still have some of those?
I think I'm gonna keep my copper-clad boards for effects and avoid etching/drilling all of these.

Can you do 40 for 0.75$ each shipped to Canada?

You can email me at: phillegalspeed "hat" yahoo "dottt" com or provide me with an address where I can reach you directly.

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Repliee and money sent...
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

In reply to this post by Stinger25
I just got my boards from Felix. Fast shipping and great boards. For that price it's a lot better and quicker than etching/drilling my own. Thanks brother!
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Thank you,
I'm sure sure you'll put them to good use!!!
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Re: Have some 3PDT wiring pcb's for sell

Sorry to bump an old topic here, but still have those for sell if anyone needs them,
Also I do a little discount, 50 boards for 30$