1 post
Hi. I just started building on vero a couple of weeks ago. I have built quite a few pedals with pcbs (Madbean, GuitarPCB, and the lists goes on). I have been successful on all but one of the vero builds (I think Im at 6 now) and I sure its something I've done but just haven't taken the time to fix it. I put together a Keeley 4 Knob today and it works but I'm not getting the Volume I would think it should have. All my parts are in the correct place and value. I've reflowed all the areas where I had a drastic volume change and like I said it works. Is this just the nature of this or is there something I can do to boost the volume level? Since this is my first cry for help here I'm not exactly sure if I am doing this right and following the set procedure, pictures, voltages, etc..... Thanks, Brian
If I'm not asking in the right place can someone lend a hand and tell me.