76 posts
Hello there,
I just wanted to thank-you for this excellent resource.
I started building pedals earlier this year.
I built my my first two pedals on perf board (Electra Distortion and Bazz Fuss) using Joe Gore’s instructions.
Then I discovered this blog, Tayda, and Veroborard. Because of this site I was able to build the SHO, Em-Drive, and Harmonic Percolator.
There have been setbacks as well: a footswitch popping issue that nearly drove me me bananas, and a frustrating total failure with a Rangemaster variant.
Presently, I am preparing to try a Rangemaster again. This time it’s the DAM Red Rooster. Also in the pipeline are the Way Huge Red Llama, EQD Speaker Cranker & Great Destroyer, and Jordan Bosstone.
Thanks again for this invaluable information.