Hello and Thanks

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Hello and Thanks

Hello there,

I just wanted to thank-you for this excellent resource.

I started building pedals earlier this year.

I built my my first two pedals on perf board (Electra Distortion and Bazz Fuss) using Joe Gore’s instructions.

Then I discovered this blog, Tayda, and Veroborard. Because of this site I was able to build the SHO, Em-Drive, and Harmonic Percolator.

There have been setbacks as well: a footswitch popping issue that nearly drove me me bananas, and a frustrating total failure with a Rangemaster variant.

Presently, I am preparing to try a  Rangemaster again. This time it’s the DAM Red Rooster. Also in the pipeline are the Way Huge Red Llama, EQD Speaker Cranker & Great Destroyer, and Jordan Bosstone.

Thanks again for this invaluable information.


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Re: Hello and Thanks

Welcome. Feel free to post the Rangemaster build in the debugging section here on the forum. We will help you get it working in no time.

All the circuits that you have in the pipeline are good stuff. Have fun!