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I have just started to learn about building Effects, sort of a solder by numbers type of guy lol.

I have know got a very basic understanding of a boost circuit.

My first build was a SHO, worked great built it on vero using a layout from this great site.

I started building because my mate bought a ZVex SHO and I wanted one after hearing it, but as a tight fisted Yorkshire man I am couldn't spend that sort of money without hart failure

Anyhow my mate with the original Zvex SHO heard that there was no sound difference between my clone and his original and pestered me to give him mine so he could sell his.
So I did for the cost of a an enclosure a couple of jacks and footswitch.

Now I built another one yesterday but this time on tag board as Maplins had no vero in.  The pedal works just as it should but there is a constant hiss when plugged into my power supply. I have done a bit of research and believe it is power ripple as there is no hiss on a battery.

I was just wondering if any of you good folk may be able to help with eliminating the issue..
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Re: Hello

Try putting a large electrolytic capacitor between +9V and ground (47 uF is shown on this vero layout but you could use 100 uF if that's what you have on hand).  Also, try a different power supply to make sure the problem isn't coming from there.  Good luck!

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Re: Hello

If that doesn't solve / help, you could try putting a 100R resister in series between the power socket and the power connection to the board.  It has resolved problems for me a few times with psu noise (even on bought pedals too)