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I have a problem with the Compulator (Demeter), I have mounted on the test bench, it worked pretty well except that "led gr" do s 'not lit and that the adjustment of the compression in Admin n' was not very pronounced.
So I have done a lot of testing to do anything but it s' allumetoujour and not force grind component I have broken a leg in Vactrol (ouch !!!) and surprise, the effect at all likewise continued to operate (but its still resembled more of a boost that to a compressor) and "comp" button n 'brought nothing.

So here I have 3 questions:

Y a t - there a trick to operate the LED GR knowing that I have connected as the shemas?
Is it normal that the effect works without Vactrol?

And if I do not manage to reunite the tab (because it 's cut flush with the Vactrol), there he has a component that could possibly be replaced?

That if somebody can to help me to be cool

thank you

@ +

Sorry if the translation is not perfect but very badly see not speak at all the English I use google translation