Help! Why did I order these parts?

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Help! Why did I order these parts?

Recently recieved a order of 2N7000 Mosfets, and BZX55C12 Zener diodes, but what the hell did I order them for? - it would have been for one single pedal, but I can't think which one!

Anyone have any ideas?

I think I must be losing the plot!
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Re: Help! Why did I order these parts?

Sorry dude I have no idea but this keeps hapenning to me all the time so I'm glad to see I'm not the only one
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Re: Help! Why did I order these parts?

Super Hard On? Joe Davisson's Obsidian? Some ROG design?
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Re: Help! Why did I order these parts?

In reply to this post by Beaker
Blackout Mantra?  It uses 2N7000 and Zeners.
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Re: Help! Why did I order these parts?

In reply to this post by tjdracz
I remember now - Super Hard On.

Thanks tjdracz!
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Re: Help! Why did I order these parts?

Only thought that because I got the same part for out ;) good luck with the build!
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Re: Help! Why did I order these parts?

I'm in the process of builing a PIC controlled pickup winding machine at the moment, so I've got unfamiliar parts all over the place.

Need to keep them separate!