Help for DBA Robot

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Help for DBA Robot

Hello there,

I've built a DBA Robot (following johnk's layout: ).

It works OK for a while (1 hour... 3 hours...) then stops... I have to unplug it for a while for it to start working again. I have swapped ICs without much success.

What bothers me is that I don't think I understand the schematic/layout or transition from schematic to layout. schematic, from FSB, here:

 If I follow johnk's layout and the schematic, DC connector's "-" lug is not grounded, but Mark and Alex have proposed a layout where it is (if I get it right). I can't believe it does not make a difference... Plus I've seen notes that the original Robot cannot be daisy chained with other pedals regarding power supply, which leads me to think I should not ground it.

Fact is I have weird voltages on the ICs, so I'm trying to figure out what is happening... anyone has voltages from a working unit?

Thanks in advance!