Help identify an effect

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Help identify an effect

Does anyone know what effect Robby Kreiger used during the verse sections of "Hello, I love you"? Sounds like a ring mod or maybe octave up fuzz.
Would love to kmow what device he used.
Any Doors nuts here?
Thanx all.
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Re: Help identify an effect

I'm not sure if that's the effect in "Hello, I love you" but I've read he used a Jordan Bosstone.
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Re: Help identify an effect

The one on Hello, I Love You is a Maestro Fuzz Tone.
Can find it here:
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Re: Help identify an effect

In reply to this post by clockman
It does sound like an FZ-1A

The higher part that you may be confusing for an octave or ring mod is just the keyboard part playing along with the guitar

There are some photos showing Robby on stage with a Vox Tonebender by his feet
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Re: Help identify an effect

Wow! Thanx for all the response. I was listening to that song and shut off one side( right i think) and it was just guitar... A very far out sound. Still swear there's something more to it.
Thanks again.