Help with EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff - SOLVED!

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Help with EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff - SOLVED!

John R
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With all three knobs all the way up I get a very faint clean sound. The tone knob sounds muffled at 12 o'clock, but is basically the same at either end. The switch positions make it a little louder on the top and bottom, and quieter in the middle.

Q1 C 7.94  B 0.60  E .01
Q2 C 7.95  B 0.54  E 0
Q3 C 8.43  B 1.46  E 0
Q4 C 8.05  B 0.95  E .36

i haven't used these 2N5133s before -- there's no flat side, but the legs are like a triangle. I put the side where the center leg is on the "outside" where the transistor bump is in the drawing. Is that correct?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.


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Re: Help with EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff

Ciaran Haslett
Pinout again looks like.

They have a slightly flat side.  This side is nearest the emitter so it looks like a few of them need flipped.
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Re: Help with EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff

John R
thanks for the reply.

wow that flat side is SUBTLE. I never would have seen it if you hadn't said it was there. :) The only one that was wrong was top right. Flipped it, and now there's no sound whatsoever. :(

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Re: Help with EHX 73 Rams Head Big Muff - SOLVED!

John R
So I found this:

which helped, except that one of mine had the flat side on the bottom side of the E instead of the top. But whatever,  I tried every combo of rotating them around, and finally got it to where it sounded somewhat like a distortion pedal, but only with the knobs all the way up, and even then still quieter than bypass.

For sake of testing, i replaced the 5133s with 5089s and voila -- cranked fuzzy goodness! So the pedal is OK.

I then added the 5133s back in one by one, and discovered that the odd one was actually rotated off by 90°! Correcting that, I got 'em in there right, and it sounds even better than the 5089s (less harsh highs when the gain is past 12 o'clock).

RAWKING! Thanks for your help!
