Help with a pedal idea I'm having?

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Help with a pedal idea I'm having?

I want to base a pedal after this, loosely.

And when I say loosely I mean that's just where I got the idea really.
I'm pretty brand new to guitar pedals in general, and especially to the components inside them, so be gentle please!  Let's get down to business. In my head right now I have an idea for a pedal that would be my ideal I think, but I need someone to either rationalize it for me and put it into simple terms, or just tell me that it wouldn't work. My idea is that I want to make a ring modulator pedal, but instead of having sin waves as the carrier signal (I think that's the right term) I'd like to have a square wave or a sawtooth wave.  I think I understand where that could get messy sonically but that's sort of what I'd like to hear out of it. I'd also like two potentiometers to mix the guitar signal and the carrier signal volume before they reach the ring mod, as well as a potentiometer for the final volume and if possible one to adjust the wave (Somehow, I still don't really understand that yet.)

If I'm in the wrong place please let me know so I can delete this! I'd just love to have someone's help with this!