Help with my Build

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Re: Help with my Build

Wait, let me understand correctly how you got it wired. You've got two 3PDT footswitches and one 3PDT toggle switch to change the order, right? So did you wire it like the diagram you've posted but using 3PDT instead of 4PDT and ommiting that leftmost column used for leds?
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Re: Help with my Build

Yeah, it's exactly the same... Without the addition pole for the LEDs
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
something really funky is happening here... i reflowed some solder (as ive been constantly doing) and seemed to have fixed that continuity problem... but nothing has changed. still no sound... really scratching my head on this one
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Re: Help with my Build

That's right weird. Let's just sum it up
Do you get bypass signal with both effects off in both toggle switch position?
Do you get morning glory sound when engaged in both toggle positions (with ts off/bypassed)?
Does it cut all the sound regardless of toggle position and morning glory on or off when you engage TS?

That will help us to establish where it might go wrong with the switches
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Re: Help with my Build

the answer to every question is yes
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
and now the continuity problem is back again... it's been on and off for some odd reason
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by hahafender
That points to some issues at TS switch somewhere...
With TS engaged, check for the continuity between input/output wires at TS board and jack grounds. It seems as if something's pulling signal to the ground if it goes dead quiet
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Re: Help with my Build

ok.... just figured that when the toggle is pointed to the morning glory... the center lugs of both switches are continuous whether 808 is off or on. when the toggle is pointed to the 808, the continuity is lost when 808 is engaged. nonetheless, the pedal is still silent in both positions
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
input and output wires aren't grounded with either jacks
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by hahafender
Centre lugs of DPDTs are continous? So are the two lugs were they connect to switch continuous? I mean following the diagram it should be.middle row ones, center and right. Are these continuous in one toggle position but not the other?

Assuming nunbering like

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

What is connected were? Are the two wires from centre lugs at 5 and 8? Is there continuity then between 5 and 2 in other position? If not, what is continuous with the wire from TS centre lug on the toggle switch in the position where they lost continuity?
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Re: Help with my Build

with TS ON & toggle pointed to morning glory:
lug 5 & 8 continuous
lug 5 & 2 discontinuous
lug 2 & 8 discontinuous

with TS ON & toggle pointed to TS
lug 5 & 8 discontinuous
lug 5 & 2 discontinuous
lug 2 & 8 continuous

with TS OFF & toggle pointed to morning glory:
lug 5 & 8 continuous
lug 5 & 2 continuous
lug 2 & 8 continuous

with TS OFF & toggle pointed to TS:
lug 5 & 8 continuous
lug 5 & 2 continuous
lug 2 & 8 continuous

now for the TS 3pdt switch...
centre lugs continuous/discontinuous on toggle:

with TS ON & toggle pointed to TS
lug 2 discontinuous
lug 5 continuous
lug 8 discontinuous (WEIRD)

with TS ON & toggle pointed to morning glory
lug 2 discontinuous
lug 5 continuous
lug 8 continuous

with TS OFF & toggle pointed to TS
lug 2 continuous
lug 5 continuous
lug 8 continuous

with TS OFF & toggle pointed to morning glory
lug 2 continuous
lug 5 continuous
lug 8 continuous

gave as much info as I believe you were asking, let me know if you need anything else. hope it helps. thank you so much

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Re: Help with my Build

I'm at loss mate... did you just check the switches for any anomalies? It seems that either toggle or TS 3pdt might be faulty. Best just to check if everything connects where it should (as in middle row connecting to top in I've position and bottom in the other), most of my faulty switches just stopped connections at one or the other look in certain positions.
Still, no idea how anything could have been caused by just random power supply...
Incidentally, did you just try to alligator clip TS in to in jack and out to out jack to verify it's 100% fine?
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Re: Help with my Build

i dont have any alligator clips so no... also dont know what 'anomalies' are lol
man. i guess ill have to swap out the switches. hopefully the first one i swap is the faulty one
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
the input lug from the morning glory switch is continuous with the output jack when TS is off... but when i engage the TS... it is disconituous. the input from the TS switch remains continuous with the output jack regardless off or on but becomes discontinuous when toggle is switch to the TS side... does this imply something going on with the toggle because it's in the middle?

when TS is off... morning glory is continuous with output jack no matter which side the toggle is at
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
sorry not the output jack.... i mean the input jack.
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
when the TS is on... the centre lug is never continuous with the input jack... despite toggle position. when it's off.... it's continuous.
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
just changed the toggle... still no sound :( i guess ill try the 3pdt
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Re: Help with my Build

In reply to this post by tjdracz
welp... changed both switches. still nothing. i guess it's the circuit >:(
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Re: Help with my Build

Voltages don't suggest anything's wrong with it. Just wire input and output straight to some spare jacks and see whether it makes a sound or not!
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Re: Help with my Build

do i have to ground the jacks?