Hey |V|ark!

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Hey |V|ark!

Lee Oswald
Haven't been around lately, and just popped in to see what's new and saw your WTF layout.

Anyway, all that to this point - trapped nerve!? you must be in hell. Have things gotten any better?
Doesn't Nasty Heath (National Health) provide chiropractic? Had something similar happen to me years ago, and that's what saved me.

hope you find relief soon, if you haven't already.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

No not better yet unfortunately.  I keep getting to the stage where it feels like it's nearly there and then something comes up which means I'm using my arm for something more strenuous and it feels bad again.  Had a long ish drive today and that didn't help because I grip the steering wheel hard and am tense.

I could get seen by the NHS but there's a 3 month waiting list so it just isn't fit for purpose when you're in constant pain.  On the plus side I think I'm getting bloody used to it now  

Oh well, I'll tough it out!
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Sorry to hear about the nerve problems IvIark - I hope it subsides at least until you can get to see the doctor.  Best wishes for a relaxing holiday and a healthy 2015.

PS:  Hunching over my workbench with my soldering iron sometimes gives me lower back pain, so I try to take breaks and stretch if I'm working on a project.  Despite that, I find the process of build is relaxing for me, and is especially rewarding when I fire up the circuit and it works the first time!  
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
If the bWankers didn't piss 80 billion up the wall and sell-out politicians didn't bend over for corporate votes then the NHS could be paved in gold, literally. I couldn't of asked for a better service when they fixed my hernia. But still, we gotta pay for that damn war over there in some land we have no business being in...

Rant over....

You need to rest it mate, you'll need that back in later years
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Yeah they weren't bad with my vasectomy either, although they did leave me with two scars that look like it was done by Freddie Kruger.  


But I appreciate we have more important things to spend money on like bailing out banks and giving MPs a pay rise.  Always nice to know our tax goes to just causes.
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

In reply to this post by IvIark
Mark, just come to the US for treatment... there's no waiting list!  Just a $80,000 bill at the end!
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Ha ha, yes I thought that too.  In the US you can get it but you have to remortgage your house.  In the UK you can get it for free as long as you can wait a quarter of a year.
My missus has just signed the family up for BUPA through work which is our most commonly used private health care.  Think I'll be taking advantage of that one once I've given it long enough that they don't get suspicious
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Lee Oswald
The politicians there are identical to those here in the US. Shouldn't have been surprised by that. I am surprised that the NHS has gotten to the point that now there's a private option. It's been a long time, but I remember hearing such great things about the health care system in the UK and Canada.

Oh well. To paraphrase the Buddha - Nothing lasts.

Sounds like your on the mend, hope that's an upward trend.

Best regards,

I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

In reply to this post by IvIark
Actually, just come to the U.S. and take with you a couple of jars of premium germanium transistors, J201 JFETs, and NOS JRC4558 ICs.  Doctors here accept those as forms of payment...
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

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Re: Hey |V|ark!

No one would want me as a doctor!  

However, I've been noting that rise in through hole prices and thinking that someone with a vast collection of components could make a bit of money these days.  On eBay, I've seen J201s for $3 a piece!  JRC4558s (NOS) for $20!  And the right transistors can go for $10 a piece.  I think they should start tracking these components on the commodity exchanges like pork bellies!  
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Lol. I was just thinking you were trying to get Mark to come to the over here so you can collect form his stock. Cause with what Mark has I would gladly be a doctor to get a piece of it.

But some transistors, like the oc44 are going for over $30 each, untested, and opened, so you don't know if they've been tested. I even saw some for over $50.
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

"I was just thinking you were trying to get Mark to come to the over here so you can collect form his stock..."

Why, I NEVER in my wild dreams ever THINK to do something like that..and...errr...so what does he have???  Heh!  

Of course if Mark is ever in western New Hampshire, he is welcome to stop by and visit.  We make great craft beers here in New England!
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Did you say craft beer? My gf got me a beer making kit for my b-day this year, I'm going to make the first batch over the holiday break, so anyone in the NYC area should stop by and have a sample, or just come and hang out, make a holiday trip out of it. I got plenty of room in my new home
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Here's one of our most mysterious craft beers:

Heady Topper (Vermont)

(Hope all talk about beer is making IvIark's pinched nerve feel better...)
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Oooooo. That looks real interesting. Speaking of beers from Vermont, have you tried long trail's farmhouse ipa's? I bough a case and finished it all in week. I really want to get a used Jack Daniels barrel and age an ipa in it. Man do I love my ipa's and Jack daniels.  
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Re: Hey |V|ark!

Hey Mark, I hope you feel better soon.

I have nothing but praise for our NHS - they are brilliant.  It is just a shame our MPs are a bunch of brainless moronic children who only think of themselves and lining their own pockets.  They couldn't organise a p' up in a brewery or show any kind of integrity, honesty ... my blood boils just thinking about them ... grrrr.    I need to take some more happy pills now

Seems you are talking about that wonderful elixer ... BEER  

If you want to fall over quickly ... try some of this if you can get it

It won't put hairs on your chest ... no ... it will put razor wire there