Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

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Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

Hi everyone,
Everything is in the title
One of my next builds will be one of these as I don't have any high gain pedal and even if a crunch box can do the job I'd like something more specific.
I built the dr boogie a few years ago and didn't like it much
I don't really need a ton of gain but a good eq that is easily tweakable and a sound which stays pretty tight (no loose basses)
So in your experience/opinion, which one should I snipe ?
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

If you don't need a ton of gain but are more interested in the EQ, why not a Marshall Guv'nor or Shredmaster?

They also have the advantage of not having to source a ton of unobtainium JFET J201's, which you have to match and bias for the best result.
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

I already have a few Marshall "hi gain" pedals : BSIAB, ROG Thunderbird...
So I'm not looking for a british sound but really something voiced for playing metal
And I have a ton of J201's in stock
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

Sensei Tim
You don't need to match J201's for these pedals, just bias them.

the uberschall is next on my list of amp sims to build, so i can't really speak to it, but out of all the high gain sims i have built, the slo100 is at the bottom of the list. That's not to say that it's bad, but wasn't my cup of tea.  i did a playthru of it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89M6y9sBrdc

it's running on an 18V charge pump in the video and i boost it now and then (it loves boost pedals)

I like the dr boogey, diefet, and ecstacy (seventheaven)

boogey vs diefet

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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

Nice vid !
I like the way it sounds at 2'20, just maybe a little dark to my ears (your boost artwork and finish look awesome
On the other side the ecstasy is not my cup of tea
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

j201's have now passed into the realm of unobtainium? i thought they are still fairly easy to get, just they have gone up in price.

btw, not sure if it would really be considered high gain, but you do have the green citrus, which is supposed to be based on the "green" amps, which are basically the old matamps/oranges of yore. definitely great sounding, and pissed off.
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
Amp sims are about the only thing I have been building since I came here. The Wolfy in the video sounds very good - but I'm not familiar with it.

I just stocked up on more J201s myself - still out there but I think I paid about 50-cents apiece, maybe $.60

On the Diefet the Deep knob is centered around 80hz or maybe even lower (below the bass knob.), so in my opinion if you don't want loose bass you can't even begin to compare it to other pedals until it gets turned all the way down at about 3:00 (in the video) - then you hear it sounds like the Wolfy. You can definitely get that scooped sound from the Diefet. Most of the control on it is in the midrange, but it also has a ton of treble tho it is a little on the fizzy side. The "bass" control is very usable even with the "deep" turned down. But the three-way EQ (B,M,Treb) is pretty interactive so whichever way the mid is pointed you seem to get more control from the adjacent knob (Bass or Treble)

The JCM800 build is actually a really thick sound, too, with lots of EQ control (thicker than a real JCM800). Bass Mid and Treble (plus preamp, volume and Master Vol - which is too redundant, but it still sounds good)

The AMT B1 legend is another one I like a lot: "And so on to the next AMT pedal, this one is based on the Bognor Triple Giant Sharp Channel."  Bass Mid Treble, gain & volume - Just right. This one is very tunable to your own amp depending on how you bias the trannies.

Or the the Wampler Plexi with trimmers sounds nice & rich, too, and it has a deep switch you can turn off. But I think it is more classic rock than metal, though.

I like the Ecstasy sound, but it doesn't have much for EQ variety.

Of course, it also all depends on your amp and guitar.

I haven't tried the Thunderbird but I think the demos sound good, a little surprised you don't seem to like it.
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

Sensei Tim
In reply to this post by rocket88
I use surface mount j201's and SMD to through hole adapters from osh park.

The SMD j201 (and 2N5457, etc) are extremely consistent and relatively cheap.  Price break at mouser for 100 j201's comes out to about $0.20 per j201
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

In reply to this post by motterpaul
Actually I like the Thunderbird but I'm looking here for a high gain voiced (think metal) amp sim which the ROG isn't
I think I'll go with the SLO
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

Diefet Diezel VH4S Is perfect for any metal.mine covers Metallica,Pantera with no problems.i know its a big build but well worth it IMO.hope ya find what your looking for,good luck.
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

I still need to build a Dr. Boogey!  Got plenty of JFETs to play with.
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Re: Hi Gain amp sim : SLO100 or Bogner Ubershall ?

In reply to this post by glasspak73
Yes I'll give the Diefet a try someday