Hi i'm new Here...

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Hi i'm new Here...

Hi i'm new here,

after 15 years to say "one day, i'll built my fx's", this forum makes me do it...
Because it does very well and easy to understand the links between a schematic and a real vero!

I'm not electronician, so maybe i'll post some stupid questions... And i'm french, so my english is bad and maybe hard to understand...

So, the questions:

For choosing caps, on the vero's picture, how can i know when i had to take good ones and cheap ones (between the red and the orange (ceramic))?

For the Keeley 4 knobs comp, is it possible to make a 150K pot with another pot value and resistors, because i can't by one... and i need two!

If it can help you, i can post the list of my pedals if someone needs photos to draw a vero.

Good job for this forum!

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Re: Hi i'm new Here...

Hi Fab and welcome.

I wouldn't worry too much about the capacitors based on the colours in the layout.  The colours are only used to give a general guide to what capacitor may be a good choice and it's always based on the value or physical dimensions more than anything else.

Less that 1nF - Ceramic capacitors or I prefer multilayer ceramic capacitors which you can get cheaply from a number of Chinese sellers on eBay.
1nF to 1uF - Polyester capacitors. Xicon greenies, Panasonic ECQ, box caps. Pretty much any polyester cap will be fine here.  Greenies can be bought cheaply from eBay
Over 1uF - Electrolytic on tantalum.  Again available cheaply from a number of sellers on eBay.

For the Keeley compressor I'd just use a 100K pot.  Miro did in his build and he said it worked fine.
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Re: Hi i'm new Here...


Thank you for the answer, i'll try with your recommendation.

I'll be back soon with other questions.

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Re: Hi i'm new Here...


Hi, I did my first DIY pedal, it works fine and sounds good (as the demo).
I'll made others...

Thanks for the site and for your help!

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Re: Hi i'm new Here...
