Highway 89

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Highway 89

Anyone care to give this a shot? Sounds quite nice on the homewrecker site.
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Re: Highway 89

This post was updated on .
I think that's it. The schem doesn't specify if the pots are log or linear. Also no polarity protection.
Haven't tried it, I'm sure others can make it more compact. I'm doing this more like practice for reading schematics :)

*******Updated Layout********
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Re: Highway 89

Nice one! Will try to get this done tomorro night
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Re: Highway 89

Hey Moda,

did you build the Hwy89? I was looking at that as well. Though I'd check with you first. If not I might just give it a shot. If you did, do you like it? The clips I heard sounded pretty good.
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Re: Highway 89

Hi Iggy,
Unfortunately havent even got near the workbench Had a few work commitments that have got in the way.
I had a good look at the schem compared to the vero and it looks good.
Let us know how it goes as at this time its going to be at least another week until i get back into the pedal shed.
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Re: Highway 89

Hi, I've just built this from the vero layout and got it working with a couple of fixes:

1. R4 (22k on the schematic, 24k on the layout) should go from the base of Q1 to ground ie 3 rows higher than currently shown on the layout to match the schematic). I don't think this would make much difference though.

2. R10, one of the base bias resistors on Q2 should be 1M, not the 10k on the layout - 10k here gives a nasty, gated splutter effect).

With these two changes it works a treat.

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Re: Highway 89

Glad you got it working and sorry for the mistakes

I'm currently on vacation, I will update the layout when I get back!
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Re: Highway 89

No problem - I'm much better at debugging than layout design, so I hold people like you who have all the layout skillz, as my daughter would say, in high esteem!

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Re: Highway 89

So, updated and verified! Thanx strewel!
Will someone move this to contributions then please? :)