Hilltree | Compressor Limiter | Mix Knob | Unverified Vero

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Hilltree | Compressor Limiter | Mix Knob | Unverified Vero

Someitmes a small compressor with a mix control can be very useful.

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Re: Hilltree | Compressor Limiter | Mix Knob | Unverified Vero

Neil mcNasty
Hello again!

- Q1 needs power! Insert a link from +9v to collector.
- I would connect the 47uf (top left) from Q1 collector to the 4.7k resistor going to ground, but you can keep it like it is if you add the link mentioned above.

Besides that, it looks fine.
That's an amazing low part count for a compressor/limiter. Guess I'll have to try this one as well...

Keep on keeping on!
Love to see that more people are learning this and contributing with their layouts.

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Re: Hilltree | Compressor Limiter | Mix Knob | Unverified Vero

Thank you Neil! Now is updated!