HipKitty Cream Distortion

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HipKitty Cream Distortion

Thought I would try to add some new vero's here. Not much information available this one. Nice overdrive/distortion. Lots of gain, lots of sustain and leaves the guitar sound pretty much intact. Nice small circuit. My trace and layout. Should be good, but not verified. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

Sorry found an error in the layout. So I'm posting a fixed version. Kind of an unknown pedal not very little info available for it. I really do like what it does. Tons of volume, medium gain. Almost a dirty boost. But it adds something different than my other pedals. Since there is only one demo on-line and it's not good. I'm linking some reviews. They are much better at describing the pedal that I can. It's worth a build. I didn't have the non polarized electros, so I used films instead. I like it even better now.



clip: doesn't do it justice

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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

In reply to this post by iggy
Thanks for the layout Iggy.

Built it with minor value changes and also tried different diode combinations. Although the regular 2x1n4148 sounds good, there are many interesting possibilities, even with no diodes at all.

My favourite combination was one 1N4148 and one Germanium (don't know exactly which one, I guess it's a 1N60). With this combination, the stompbox sounds a little more dynamic without losing much of the volume. I also really liked the sounding of the pedal with no diode, a light overdriven sound with great interaction with the picking strength. I'll probably box it with a toggle switch to have both possibilities at hand.

Oh, and Iggy, do you have the schematic available?

Thank you once again.

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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

Hey great to hear that you built it and it worked properly. I just bread-boarded it. and it worked. But glad the layout is confirmed. I will be building one when I get time. And I'll play with the diodes. Thanks for the feedback. It's my first trace and layout.

I tried to post the schematic, but seems I did it in a program that the site doesn't allow. If you want drop me your email and I'll send it to you.


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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

Ok, here is the schematic file. I believe it to be correct. Not sure if I laid it out according to standard conventions.

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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

I'll take a look at this when I get home in about an hour. I'll check the layout and make my own if there's a major issue.
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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

In reply to this post by iggy
Just built one of these and it sounds really good, thank you for your work in the layout and schematic!! I particularly liked it with no diodes or red LEDs.  One quick thing I noticed is on the layout there is no mention of grounding pin 1 of the volume pot.  May want to add that.  

Thanks again!!  Loving this thing!
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Re: HipKitty Cream Distortion

So glad you built it. And you like it. I enjoyed the pedal as well. Unfortunately I'm not sure i still have the original layout to update. So Anyone building this please note the volume pot. Output is leg 2. leg 1 goes to ground. and leg three comes off the board. Enjoy.