Hooking up speaker to Test Box 2.0

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Hooking up speaker to Test Box 2.0

I bought a small .5 watt mylar speaker from Tayda and want to hook it up to my Test Box 2.0 in such a way that when I insert a plug into the OUTPUT, the speaker will be bypassed.

How would I do this?

Also, the speaker, http://www.taydaelectronics.com/mylar-speaker-8-ohm-0-5w.html , doesn't have anything I recognize as terminals. It does, however, have to flat silver patches on the back. Are those my terminals? And if so, how do I determine polarity?

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Re: Hooking up speaker to Test Box 2.0

What exactly do you want the speaker to do? You do know you wont get any sound from it unless it`s driven by an amp?
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Re: Hooking up speaker to Test Box 2.0



Not Test Box 2.0. I meant Noisy Cricket!

Right now I have the speaker attached to the output jack with aligator clips, and it works, but I'd like to know where to solder it in so that a plug into the output would cancel the speaker.

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Re: Hooking up speaker to Test Box 2.0

Hi Simon

Its quite easy, you just need a switching jack socket like the one in this example

If you look at the picture, there is the prong which normally connects to the tip of the jack plug, but there is also a tab which touches the prong when no jack is inserted (this is the switching bit).  The circuit goes from the tip to the tab when no jack is in and the circuit is broken when a jack is inseterted.

You connect the ground to the, well ground ring as normal. (including the -ve or ground for the little internal speaker)

The speaker output from the amp is connected to the connection for the tip prong (as normal).

Connect your little internal speaker + to the tab connection that is touching the tip prong (until a jack is inserted).  When a jack is inserted in the socket, the prong moves and the circuit between the prong and the little tab is broken.
