Hot glue conductive?

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Hot glue conductive?


Populating my Egodriver, and forgot to add the transistor sockets before the radial caps.  So I thought it'd be crafty to hot glue them in place.  The glue bridges some of the leads.  I know it's rubber, but not sure if its water based at all and if it has some conductivity to it that may pose a problem.

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Re: Hot glue conductive?


I can't really picture what you did exactly, but nonetheless...

I think you are safe. If anything, it's likely a pretty good insulator as well.

If your glue isn't getting inside the sockets and preventing a good contact for the transistor, don't sweat it. OTOH, if the circuit isn't working properly, that'd be the first place to look for iffy connectivity.
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Re: Hot glue conductive?

Yeah it is... I discovered that on my very first build, an SHO.

It worked fine and then I had the idea of gluing the PCB to the back of the pot with hot glue and it just stopped working. Scraped it all off and it started working again.

Don't know the reason for it chemically but it is conductive and should be avoided on circuit boards...
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Re: Hot glue conductive?

I use hot glue on all of my builds and it has never posed a problem. it is definitely NOT conductive.
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Re: Hot glue conductive?

In reply to this post by Jederino
It might depend on the glue, maybe.  I've heard of people gluing  IC sockets, and yes, even mounted pots to take the strain off the leads.

Goran, yea, I glued them on the top side, not the solder side.  They are the dip sockets from Tayda, so part of the lead is exposed . . . meaning the plastic doesn't sit flush on the circuit board; it sits up a little high.

I'll just use my handy dental tools to get it all out, just in case.
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Re: Hot glue conductive?

In reply to this post by johnk
Sorry John but the one I used definitely was and caused shorts... Maybe different brands and formulations are different in that regard but I thoroughly tested after that incident with the sho and mine is conductive...
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Re: Hot glue conductive?

In reply to this post by Jederino
I've coated the copper side of small boards with hot glue with no problem.  I also hot glue every indicator led.