How Do i lower output volume

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Re: How Do i lower output volume

nocentelli wrote
The first pedal has a really weird arrangement of volume pot, which I assume has lug three and lug one labels reversed (so it works backwards) but also has the output taken from the outer lug (1) and the input to the pot going to the wiper. I've seen a few Catalinbread pedals and maybe death by audio do this but don't understand why circuit output cap to lug 3, wiper is output, lug 1 ground like normal.
The earliest example of this volume pot configuration that I can think of is the Zonk Machine. It makes the volume pot sound more like a combination of a filter and a volume pot, where the high frequencies are [extra] attenuated when the pot is set below the full clockwise position.
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Re: How Do i lower output volume

Well i didnt get a chance to try it out tonight at rehersal ( busy rehearsing for recording next week) hoprfully ill get a chance tomorrow night. its all on my breadboard ready to test.
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Re: How Do i lower output volume

In reply to this post by Travis
Sorry about the lengthy wait for a reply. Been busy recording. I replaced the vol pot with a 22k. It works much better now. Although it still goes up in vol rather quickly. Maybe a log taper is in order