How about the Wampler Ace 30?

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How about the Wampler Ace 30?

Anyone out there working on the Wampler Ace 30, or Cranked OD? I love the Catalinbread Galileo, but the Ace 30 seems to have more tonal control. It seems to give you the full spectrum of AC30 and AC15 tones, not just the "Brian May" overdriven sound. The Cranked OD has always been a favorite of mine, But I've never been able to get one while they were available. Now they have it out for a limited time, but, as usual, I can't snag one at the moment. Anyone working on the vero versions of either of these?
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Re: How about the Wampler Ace 30?

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Re: How about the Wampler Ace 30?

I'm trying to find the schematics for both pedals right now. I wasn't sure if anyone already had them or not. I'll see what I can come up with!
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Re: How about the Wampler Ace 30?

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Deafcat64
Have you tried the ROG Britannia?:
Many people rave about this, and ROG are known to make wonderful circuits.
I have not built it myself, so I'm not sure if it covers the whole specter of what you are looking for...

Personally I went and bought myself a Vox AC4TV and did some slight modifications, like opening up the middle section at the back in order to make it less boxy and let it breath.
I also swapped the 12AX7 preamp tube with a 12AU7 for more headroom before breakup. Highly recommended mods. It now sounds way better and more like an AC30/15!
It is a lot of amp for a small buck, and it is very loud for it's size. Not a gig amp, but great for recording and playing at home.
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Re: How about the Wampler Ace 30?

I'm glad I saw your post Neil McNasty!

I've had an ac4tv for about a year now. I traded a Fuzz Face build to get it :P

I like this amp but it does sound boxy and has no headroom at all when using humbuckers. Still not bad for a practice amp but nowhere near the sound of my ac30

I'll try out your changes . Thanks for the ideas