How to Guitar Synth

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How to Guitar Synth

Hi guys. I was looking for something cool to build and I found the industrialectric 4046-m . Since I'm starting now to breadboard pedals I was wondering how could I build something like that, but not exactly like that. I know nothing about synth and related stuff and I know even less about electronics, but I'd like to learn more, more in particular how to turn my guitar into something like a synth. I found the sub generator on Mofos, but it's incredibly huge and doing a vero could be something like a kick in the balls, moreover it's like a digitech synth wah. My question is: where can I find something that tells me exactly how to build vca, vco, vcf, pll, lfo, sub generator and all the other stuff, how to use 4015, 4046, 4051, 13700, 4013 and other ics and how to convert guitar signal to something that controls the all these things? I'm really illiterate in electronics so it should be something like "synth for hyper-dummies", but I know here are some of the best diyers and it could be wonderful to create a section where everybody could get the knowledge to build their own complex pedal without bursting components. I know it's not something that can be made in one night, but I believe in this community.
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

I see you've been a member here for almost 2 years.. I'm sure you've picked up on a few kernels of knowledge here and there, as well as an idea of the "progression of effects-DIY knowledge", I'll call it:

reading < building/mimicking < troubleshooting < tweaking < designing

First you have to learn to read a schematic, read a vero/stripboard layout, read a datasheet. From there you can look at a vero layout and attempt to build it up, skipping the breadboard stage if you're feeling ballsy or impatient or confident. Reading a vero layout, buying the components you need, and putting together a pedal doesn't really require knowledge of "how to use CMOS devices"... or really "how" do to anything. Digging deeper into a circuit/schematic/layout requires knowledge of components and how they work, and moreso how they interact with each other depending on the flow of causation through the circuit. At this stage you're more likely to successfully troubleshoot, and especially more likely to successfully mod a circuit to your liking.

The ideal place to be on the P.O.E.DIY.K (lol) is the final stage. Designing a circuit from scratch requires passage through all previous stages, with the additional step of truly understanding both the circuit as a whole (globally) AND how each individual component within the circuit is experiencing it's place in the circuit (individually).

So to more directly answer your questions:
1) "where can I find... how to build a VCA, VCO, ... and all the other stuff" ----- you really only need to be at the second stage in the chain above to do this. There are vero layouts of some of these circuits on this very site. If you can't find what you're looking for here, electromusic has a bunch of synth- based layouts, as well as Muffwiggler and a handful of other sites.

2) "how to use 4015, 4046, ... and other ICs, and how to convert my guitar signal" ---- this requires reading, and lots of it - Datasheets, textbooks, build documents, schematics... everything you can get your hands on. Start somewhere and just keep digging, jumping around from resource to resource until you understand what you need to. The References thread on this forum is a great place to start textbook- wise. I posted a link to one of my dropbox folders where I've uploaded a dozen or so classic, must-read books on just this subject. The Lancaster's CMOS or Active Filter cookbooks are great, Anderton's DIY book is considered to be a bible by some, same with Ray Wilson's DIY book.

Unfortunately there really isn't a specific "Turning your guitar into a synth-controller for hyper-dummies" book, but the text in that non-existent book is definitely scattered throughout the internet... across this site, other sites, textbooks in the Resource forum, datasheets, etc.

Best of luck.. this site is a GREAT resource and has taught me so much, through conversation and via recommending me other resources.
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

M. Spencer
This may not be the answer you want, but it is certainly the answer you need.
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

Actually, it was the answer I needed. It better to start studying all this stuff than waiting. Moreover if I get better I'll help on this site. I just can't find a PDF for cmos cookbook.
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

Check the library section on the forum, then go to the "references and resources" page in the library. The CMOS cookbook is in thar
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

In reply to this post by edo1123
There's a link to my dropbox folder in the References forum.. the CMOS cookbook is in there. It took some serious scouring to find those 3 cookbooks lol.
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

Maybe a silly question, but: where is the references forum? I've already seen the topic with the other sources but there were no link to any drop box or maybe it wasn't working or maybe it wasn't the references formu.
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Re: How to Guitar Synth

Here's the path to the Resources forum:
Guitar FX Layouts › The Library › References and Resources

and a quick link to my personal dropbox shared folder:

if you go to References and Resources, you'll find a bunch of threads with other links like mine