How to auto short circuit effect loops

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How to auto short circuit effect loops


On some multieffects I built I've included a SND/RTN loop for my friend to put extra effects between some effects of the multieffects.

In order for the multi to work when no extra effect are plugged in I included a switch that HAS to be either on the "extra effect connected" throw or the "no extra effect" throw.

Is there any way to make that automatic, aka the signal goes through the SND/RNT jacks only when something is plugged in ?

Many thanks,
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Re: How to auto short circuit effect loops

Switched lug jacks. They come in mono or stereo. For an fx loop, mono will do: They have two lugs for ground and two for tip/hot. One of the lugs in each pair is switched, i.e. when a jack is inserted, the switched lug is disconnected from the other unswitched lug. If you wire the the send and return to the unswitched tip lugs and connect the two switched hot/tip lugs on the send and return jack together, when there is no jack inserted, the send tip connects directly to the return tip; When a jack is inserted, this connection is broken and the loop works normally. You can just use the unswitched lugs connected to ground, it will make no difference.

Here's an own frame mono switched jack, you can see how the contact between the switch lug and the tip is broken as the tip gets pushed back when a plug is inserted.
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Re: How to auto short circuit effect loops


Thanks a lot for the piece of information, very clear and totally answers it all :)