Huminator for 15V

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Huminator for 15V

Chris mudd
Hello all!!
I have an acoustic preamp pedal that I am using that has its own 15 volt power supply.

Last night, I used it in public for the 1st time and noticed just a tiny bit of hum. I don't want to plug into the house system and add any more noise.

I would like to use something like the Huminator to filter the power supply but have only seen one used for a 9 volt power supply.

Does the tagboard/beavis huminator work "as is" for 15 volts, or does it take some kind of modification to handle the extra voltage?

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Re: Huminator for 15V

Whether it's the huminator or any other common scheme, the only thing you'd have to check is whether the caps have a high enough max voltage rating. My rule of thumb is 2x the max expected voltage difference that the cap is going to see, to allow for tolerance and spikes. For a 15V single-ended supply and the huminator you showed, I'd use a min of 30V caps. Unless the 47n is a tant or something, it's probably rated pretty high, so you'd only have to worry about that 100u electro.