Humming noise

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Humming noise

Can't believe after all this time I'm asking this question now...but here goes.

I went to box up my latest build (Madbean MOAR) which sounded fine in my test rig a couple days ago, and now boxed up I'm getting a hum.

Same power supply only now I'm plugging the adapter directly into the pedal where before I was feeding the pedal's power connections and input/output wires to my test box, which was using the same adapter.

I assumed I created a cold solder joint while boxing it up. I re-flowed all the ground connections and external wires, ran a knife up and down the tracks and hand drilled out all the cuts with a few more turns of the drill bit.

No difference.  

Out of frustration I removed the board from the enclosure, spread the jacks and pot wires out again and plugged the power connections back into my test box. Same hum. (the input and output wires are still connected to the jacks, only using the test box now with the power and ground wires. I used an alligator clip to ground the output jack to the board ground. The input jack is already grounded to the board.)

I'm traveling this week and don't have another pedal or guitar with me to test. (Won't do that again!) Will pick up a 9v battery while I'm out tomorrow.  
There is no hum coming from the pedal when I turn down the guitar's volume or when the guitar is unplugged. Does this mean the pedal itself is fine? 

Although, I had something similar happen with a ticking noise a while back with the Twin Peaks Tremolo which was resolved by shielding the input wire, but this time the input wire is short and not really near anything else while it's out of the enclosure.  

The hum is reduced when I'm touching the strings on the guitar. Maybe somehow my humbucker is no longer humbucking?
1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst
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Re: Humming noise

I guess I already knew the answer, but I fed the headphone jack from my phone to the pedal and there is no noise.

Guess I'll be re-wiring my guitar this weekend.

1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst