Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question

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Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question

The schematic on http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j6/IvIark_2006/Layouts/Schematics/hyperionh70n.gif has 5 x 100nf. Seems one 100nf was supressed on vero here.. or is there another schematic?

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Re: Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question

There might be more the. One version of this pedal. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you want I'll make a layout for the schematic you linked too.
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Re: Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question

oh yeah.. i will try it if you do!
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Re: Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question


It has been explained several times, if you read the Hyperion comments (they use to be interesting) you can see that I asked this very same  question time ago.

To be short: the hyperion as many Devi pedals, is made  joing two circuits in one. The two 100nf ones that you see in the middle of the schematic in series were originally the output one of the first circuit and the input of the second effect.

So, it would be posible just to use 1 47nf one, but Devi commented that in order to preserve lows, she recommends to put just one 100nf cap, not 2x100nf nor 1x47nf.

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Re: Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question

Thank you Javi that´s clear now. Rocket d not need to draw it, unless for people experiment adding two effects in a box.
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Re: Hyperion Devi Ever stupid question

ahh, no worries. i didn't even get a chance to make it yet. that's a pretty interesting reason. not surprised javi asked about it, and had the answer. lol. it makes perfect sense, which make sense that having an 100nF instead of the two 100nF parallel would help maintain low end.