I am lost

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I am lost

I am attempting to put together the EHX Black Russian Big Muff V8 ( https://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2012/06/ehx-black-russian-big-muff-v8.html).

I got everything wired put together and wired up, however it is not working.

There is signal coming through the pedal when it is OFF, but when ON there is absolutely no sound at all - LED does come on.

I assume this could be an issue with the wiring. The layout states that PIN 2 of the Vol pot goes to the output tip, but I am not sure what to do with the output pins on the footswitch.
I used this for a wiring guide: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2012/02/offboard-wiring.html 

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Re: I am lost

If I understand the wiring the off board is completely wrong. Look at the offboard wiring again. The output from the board, in this case it's off lug 2 of the volume pot, goes to the switch. The output jack goes to the switch as well. Think through it. The switch either bypasses the signal, i.e. Have the signal go through the input jack right to the output jack or when engaged it puts the circuit in between the input and output jack. The way you have it now it can't do that.
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Re: I am lost

Ohhhh. Wow. Trying this now. One moment.
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Re: I am lost

In reply to this post by rocket88
Hmm still doing the same thing. I followed the offboard guide and hooked the Vol2 pin to the upper right pin on the switch, and the output tip to the middle right pin. Still the same issue.
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Re: I am lost

In reply to this post by TaylorT
The lugs of the switch would be numbered like this

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

Following the wiring on the site it would be like this:

Lug 1 to the short leg of the LED

Lugs 2, 3, and 6 are linked together and connected to ground

Lug 4 is connected to lug 9 and they are connected to the input jack tip

Lug 5 is connected to board input

Lug 7 is connected to the board output, which in this case (and most instances) is coming from lug 2 of the volume pot. So lug 7 to the volume pot lug 2

Lug 8 is connected to the output jack tip
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Re: I am lost

Thank you. Looks like I have all of that correct.

Here is a question, the diagram has an optional mid scoop/boost switch, which I have included. However, the 3rd pin on the tone pot is left open (see badly drawn image). Is there supposed to be a connection to the 3rd pin on the tone pot?

The schematic makes it seem that tone3 comes off the board to the switch.

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Re: I am lost

In reply to this post by TaylorT
Wait.. I found a TINY solder bridge on the board... I cleared it and we have sound!!!

but.... it is acting like more of a volume boost than a fuzz. The sustain pot seems to barely be changing anything, and the tone pot & scoop/boost switch dont seem to have any effect..
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Re: I am lost

Update again!!! Dang solder bridges are going to be the death of me.

I ran a knife through every gap in the strip board. WE HAVE FUZZ.

The tone pot is still not doing ALOT (hardly changes the tone) and the switch doesnt seem to be working.

Do you think it could be another bridge issue? or do you think I wired it incorrectly?
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Re: I am lost

Good job eliminating some of the problems.

The tone 3 wire from the board goes to lug 3 of the tone pot, and then you put another wire in lug 3 of the tone pot which connects to lug 2 of the mids switch as shown in the layout.
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Re: I am lost

Wow thank you Travis!

It works perfectly now!

This thing rips!
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Re: I am lost

Good job on getting it working Taylor.

You MUST check the solder side of every board very carefully before you put power on them. This time you got away with a couple of solder bridges and no harm done. Next time you may not be so lucky - a bridge in the wrong place and things start to smoke and burn!

I know it's really easy to get excited and rush things when you have almost finished a build, but that's precisely when you should slow down and double check everything. Spending an extra couple of minutes with a magnifying glass and a blade on the copper side beats rebuilding a burnt out board any day.

I speak from experience here - and most of the other guys including Rocket and Travis would say the same.