IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

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IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

lucas abela
IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

are these two diodes interchangeable?

i brought the small bear diode kit but occasionally vero's are calling for ones not included and i'm not sure what can be swapped for what

i know the 9V1 is rated for 9 volts so im guessing the 1N914 is the similar or the same?

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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

as i understand it, the 1n914 and 1n4148 are supposed to be pretty much interchangeable. saw this graph recently that supported that notion.

found in a post about diodes over at diysb:

i read here that the forward current handling capabilities of the 1n4148 are double that of the 1n914 (150mA v 75mA):
but i don't actually know what that means yet. hfe and forward voltage i know, as they relate to the clipping sections of fuzzes i've built. one day i'll read on into forward current, but i read enough in the diysb post to realise that 1n4148 will generally do the job for stomps.

i couldn't find 1n914s recently so had the same issue as you of seeking a work-a-like. 1n4148 are everywhere and cheap. don't know about the zeners though.

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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

In reply to this post by lucas abela
In short, no. They are not equivalent at all.
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

Silver Blues
No, not at all. The 1N4148/1N914 are basic small signal diodes. A Zener diode is a special kind that blocks current flow through it until a certain breakdown voltage is reached, then it begins to conduct, which is not usually how diodes work.

There are however a few different kinds/part numbers of 9V1 Zeners, but a 4148 surely is not one.
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

i took the original question to say 'i need a 1n914 but don't have one, will a 9v1 zener do the same job?'.

to which my reply was a 1n1418 will do the same job as a 1n914 if that is what you need (and here's some info to support that) but i don't know anything about the zener.

if the original question was 'i need a 9v1 zener...', then i misinterpreted the question. t'was late.
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

In reply to this post by lucas abela
What circuit are you trying to build, and which diode are you missing?
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

Silver Blues
That'd be helpful. I'm willing to bet that you're building something with a MOSFET and the Zener is being used for static protection. Some circuits use a red LED as a substitute for the Zener in that application.
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

lucas abela
i'm building teh zvex super hard on compact layout

it calls for a 9v1 zenver

the diode kit i got from smallbear has 1N4001 / 1N4002 / 1N4007 / !n914 and 1N4148

hoping to use one of them and finish the job

im guessing none are any good for this purpose

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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

Silver Blues
This post was updated on .
Aha I knew it  yeah no none of those would work AFAIK.

EDIT forgot about the possibility of a clamp. Listen to the smart guy below me
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

In reply to this post by lucas abela
You can replace the 9V1 zener in the SHO with a pair of 1N914 or 1N4148 (like this), but you need to rework the layout just a little bit. You'll probably need to add an extra column to accommodate the extra diode, so if you've already cut the vero you may want to either start over, or just find a 9V1. They are easy to find online and in most decent electronic component shops.

If you don't mind a messier build, you can put the extra diode on the back of the board or point-to-point it. Just use one 1n4148/1N914 where the zener is supposed to go, then put another one between gate and V+ (anode on the gate, cathode on V+).
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Re: IN914 diode = 9V1 Zener?

I also bought a bunch of diodes a long time ago, but ended up buying the ones I specifically needed in batches one model at a time as time went on, and found I can generally get by with just a few models I have now (the 9.1v zener being one of them).

So, now I have a big box of diodes I will never use in pedals, but I also have all the individual models I ever seem to see in different builds here. Those are:

IN4739 (the 9.1v zener)
In5817 or In4001 (voltage protection and sometimes bridge rectifiers)
Bat42 (Clipping)
In914 (clipping, older versions of 4148s)
In4148 (basic clipping)
In34A (germanium diodes for softer clipping)

Most of these are cheap and I rarely need anything else. I could be wrong about usage above, but I do know these models are common.

With zeners, the last number is the voltage they are made to top out at  in4739 so if you see one that is close to that except for the last number, it probably won't work.