ISP Decimator

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ISP Decimator

Hi all,

Can someone maybe do a stripboard layout for the ISP Decimator. IO am looking for a good noide gate and this one looks s good one. Ther is a stripboard layout at but its rather large. Joyo have managed to fit a clone in a very small box so i presume it is feasible unless there using surface mount.

Thanks in advance if its possible.

"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: ISP Decimator

Good luck with making this one smaller - that layout is already as small as it will go, and too big to fit in 1590B box.

Al those Joyo pedals use SMD components.
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Re: ISP Decimator

I've built sabro's layout and it fits in a 125B quite easily, it's a very good noise gate. I don't think it's possible to make a smaller layout, though...